What To Do When Your Maid Run Away

What to do when your Maid Run Away

1. You should first try to locate your foreign domestic worker (FDW) by first contacting the agency, her friends if you know any and her home country’s embassy in Singapore.

2. You should then report to the police that your maid has gone missing if you cannot find her. Next, you should cancel the work permit of the maid. All these must be done within seven days of your knowledge that your foreign domestic worker has gone missing.

(a)Cancellation of work permit will allow you to cease the levy liability. If you do not cancel it on time, you may also be held accountable for any possible unlawful acts by your foreign domestic worker such as illegal employment.

(b)Once the work permit is cancelled, the foreign domestic worker will become an overstayer and she may be fined or jailed before she is repatriated.

3. If the missing foreign domestic worker’s work permit has expired at the time of cancellation, your security deposit (or security bond) will be forfeited. If you do manage to locate the maid afterwards, you can proceed to the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) and apply for the refund of the security deposit.

4. If the missing foreign domestic worker’s work permit is valid at the time of cancellation, the employer will be given 1 month to locate the missing maid. The security deposit will be forfeited if the FDW is not repatriated within the one month grace period given

Once the missing FDW is found before security bond is forfeited, you should repatriate the worker as soon as possible. You can apply online for a special pass issued by MOM to facilitate the worker’s departure.

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