Maid Training – Course in Basic Communication

Our Domestic Maids underwent intensive in-house maid training in their country before they arrive in Singapore

Maid Training Centre

Many misunderstanding issues have been lead by the breakdown in communication due to differing standards in English Level, differing cultures and social values.

In Singapore, English is the most commonly spoken language beside Mandarin.  In order for maid to communicate better to the employers in Singapore, the maid training centre is providing a well-prepared and structured course on Basic Communication in English language.

This course facilitates the following:

  • To communicate and greet Employer’s family members appropriately
  • To ask, check and confirm or clarify with their Employer on job scope and responsibilities if employee is in doubt
  • To understand and obey work instructions from Employers
  • To maintain a positive working attitude
  • To behave decently and work ethnically
  • To have good personal hygiene and be well groomed at all times
  • To keep up a happy and cheerful mood at all times

Maid Training Centre

Our Learning Labs are equipped with headphones and good video facilities so that the Domestic Helpers are trained to communicate well with their prospective employers in Singapore. A well trained maid will then be able to cope the work challenges ahead.

maid training Centre

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